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7 reasons why people play the lottery

All over the world, people are buying lottery tickets. Although most people realise that the likelihood of winning big money is minimal, the popularity of the lottery has not diminished. So what makes people try their luck over and over again? There are several reasons, many of which lie in human psychology.

Reason 1 – the desire to win

The most banal and widespread reason. Often, a person is excited by the very sensation of the proximity of victory. Having guessed a few numbers, a person takes this as a sign to try to win more. The brain perceives a close victory as well as a real one. This is what makes one buy lottery tickets again.

For many players, the very fact of winning is far more important than the size of the reward. Luck boosts self-esteem and allows you to assert yourself in the eyes of others.

Reason 2 – a desire to escape reality for a while

Modern man is constantly stressed, scared and hassled every day. Playing betnero is one way to forget your problems and worries for a while and to relax, which is essential for normal life. Constant concentration on important and unsolvable tasks leads to depression.

Gambling helps many people to “unmask” for a while, to free themselves for a while from formality. Gambling and risk-taking often help to bring out the best in a person.

Reason 3 – Craving for a new experience

Gambling, like extreme sports, gives a thrill, the blood rises adrenaline. But there is no risk to life.

For many, gambling is a good way to get away from boredom without having to change your lifestyle.

Why People Play the Lottery

Reason 4 – Gambling is a natural instinct

Most gamblers gamble not to win, but to play. Everyone is a natural gambler, some more than others, some less, so it is natural to want to take a chance and win.

Gambling behaviour can only be considered wrong if the urge to gamble becomes pathological. A person who has never experienced a sense of excitement has little chance of success in any professional activity. Gambling and the urge to take risks helps to go beyond the accepted realities, to move forward.

Reason 5 – the lottery is considered the safest source of excitement

A non-money game does not offer such a vivid experience. But players often have the question of how to play for money without too much damage to the family budget.

The best way out is the lottery. Small stakes allow you to get the excitement you need, but the risk of becoming a gambler is practically zero. You don’t even have to waste time looking for lottery tickets; there are plenty of online lottery websites.

Reason 6 – availability heuristics

A person often estimates probability based on similar examples that are in their mind. People hear about lottery winnings and winning stories all the time. Jackpot busts are always a sensation and are actively discussed in the news. But nowhere do they talk about the players who have been playing for years but have never won anything.

Reason 7 – Player error and the error of unrewarded funds

The belief that if something hasn’t happened for a while, it should happen now is the most common mistake players make. The process of winning the lottery is completely uncontrollable. But players confidently strategise by choosing numbers that haven’t fallen out in a long time.

The unrewarding mistake is to strive to buy more lottery tickets, with the thought that so much money and time has already been spent, it’s time to catch your luck by the tail. But such a decision cannot be called rational in terms of economics and common sense.

For most people, gambling is a normal activity that has no negative consequences. The reasons for playing the lottery may vary, but the result is common. Playing helps to cure boredom, relieve tension, increase confidence in one’s own abilities. By playing, one tunes in to the positive.