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How the lottery is played around the world

The lottery is considered to be one of the most popular forms of gambling entertainment around the world. With that said, it is one of the most popular games that people have been aware of since medieval times. Some sources even claim that some of the money spent on the construction of the Great Wall of China was raised through lottery games. This game of chance was brought to Russia by Catherine the Great in the 18th century.

Nowadays, lotteries are known and popular in almost every country in the world. And everywhere else the essence of the game has not changed for many years: participants buy tickets, and prizes and jackpots are formed by the money spent on the purchase of these tickets. Of course, lottery organisers do not work on a gratuitous basis and keep a substantial part of the money for themselves.

Lotteries in different countries

Some of the interesting features of lotteries are as follows:

  1. In Russia, more than half the population likes gambling. They especially prefer instant lotteries. Only a third of players take part in long-term lotteries where one has to think out one’s next moves and calculate a strategy. And online lotteries are not popular at all, as people do not trust them and prefer not to participate in them.
  2. In Alaska, lotteries are very popular. More than 80% of the population plays the lottery here. The local lotteries are interesting because they are directly linked to the local climate and the harsh winters. Residents look forward to the onset of spring and lotteries are used to guess the days when the ice will crack and break, thus marking the beginning of warm days.
    The Spanish lottery is very much a collective and friendly affair. There’s a mobil lotto that brings people together. Not only a group of people, but whole communities can play it. For example, about ten years ago, two Spanish villages hit the jackpot of 270 million euros and shared the winnings equally between all the inhabitants.
    4 The interesting thing about Germany is that practical Germans spend a lot on lottery tickets: an average of $800 a year per person. By comparison, in the United States residents spend no more than $200.
  3. The Baltic countries have the most loyal attitude of the authorities to lottery winners. The point is that here you do not have to pay taxes on winnings and the entire amount stays with the person.
  4. In Japan, the government has been fighting against gambling for many years. That’s why only two lotteries are now legal: “Treasury” and “Luck”. They were started after World War II, but they are still popular today.
  5. In the USA, not only are the major lotteries popular across the country, but also Powerball – state-specific lotteries. The popularity of lotteries in the USA stems from the fact that they offer a theoretical chance of making the major American dream come true – anyone can get millions literally for nothing.
  6. Canadians associate lotteries with charity. Part of the money raised from ticket sales always goes to help those in need. Therefore, every Canadian knows that he or she is not just participating in the lottery, but also helping others.